Summer Mango Finishing Vinegar


Designed and made by Nicholson Fine Foods this Summer Mango Finishing Vinegar shows beautiful fruit flavours, balanced with sugar and acid. It has a lovely soft mouth feel and coating texture. Ideal with sweet meats like chicken, turkey, ham, lamb pork and seafood.

Available in 265ml retail or 825ml value size.
When ordering the 825ml size bottle, you will receive a bonus 100ml Italian designed, elegant, heavy glass “table bottle” to decanter the Finishing Vinegar into. Refilling the “table bottle” helps to reduce the products carbon footprint, glass wastage and landfill.

Consistent  medal winner  at the Royal Hobart Fine Food awards and Sydney Royal and Royal Melbourne shows.


Designed and made by Nicholson Fine Foods, this Summer Mango Finishing Vinegarâ„¢ shows beautiful fruit flavours, balanced with sugar and acid. It has a lovely soft mouth feel and coating texture. Ideal with sweet meats like chicken, turkey, ham, lamb pork and seafood.


See the Cajun Chicken, served with Summer Mango Finishing Vinegar recipe video on this website. Its a delightful combination.


Available in 265ml retail or 825ml value size.
When ordering the 825ml size bottle, you will receive a bonus 100ml Italian designed, elegant, heavy glass “table bottle” to decanter the Finishing Vinegar into. Refilling the “table bottle” helps to reduce the products carbon footprint, glass wastage and landfill.


Consistent  medal winner  at the Royal Hobart Fine Food awards and Sydney Royal and Royal Melbourne shows.



Additional information


265ml, 825ml