Yes! we reached 1000 fb subscribers

We made it! 1000 fb likes

It has been so wonderful building our online presence this year. Our eclectic and beloved community is now bigger than ever. From home cooks and professionals to retirees and kids, we all sit as a shared table to celebrate good food and hospitality.

A couple big highlights for this year have been launching our ‘Creator of the Month’ competition where we get to see the amazing creations you whip up at home (check out #CreateWithNFF on instagram).

Also our ‘Fresh Fridays’ at the Factory – connecting with our Yamba locals over a new sweet treat each week has been both exciting and rewarding as we challenge ourselves to deliver new and quirky combinations to enjoy… If you’re ever in the area you’re always welcome to book in for a factory ‘Tour and Taste’ too!

All in all, this post is a thank you to every one of you who has supported us along the way. Your thoughts and feedback matter to us and we’d love to know what you’d like to see more of heading into 2017. Here’s to a great year!

Salut, Peter

70 recipe videos and counting! Your online library of how to use Nicholson Fine Foods products.


Three years ago we started making videos of the Nicholson Fine Foods products and how best to use them.  In the beginning we rolled the camera, recorded live image and sound, then patched together the final edit. Over time we played with different ideas, short 10 second videos, longer more elaborate ones, even a road trip version we called Yamba Prawn Road Trip.

Of late, we have started to do voice overs and shoot just my hands doing the preparation, cooking and presentation. This style is very clean and give us the opportunity to edit without the limitations of a prerecorded script.

The videos are hosted on YouTube and linked through to the website player on the home page.  click here to see the YouTube channel.

I must say a big thank you to both Darcy and Bryce for all the work and passion they have put in to make this channel the best we can. Without these two, there wouldn’t be a channel at all.

You can subscribe to the channel, this lets you receive the latest updates as they are posted.

If you have a favorite video i would love to know.

Enjoy and salut,  Peter Nicholson.

Why Yamba?

Over the years many people have asked me “why did you choose Yamba?”
Well the answer is clean air, clean water and peace.
Years ago i visited an old friend who had moved to Yamba with his family. On that day, he suggested i jump in his work ute and he would show me around. Well off we went, past the marina, around to Turners beach, then up on the hill to the light house and then down to the Yamba Surf Life Saving Club on Main Beach. I looked at my friend and then at the green lawns which changed to golden sand and then into crystal blue ocean with rolling surf and said to him, you bugger, you never told me you moved to paradise!
It was 14 years later, but i eventually moved to our little slice of paradise.
For those unfamiliar with Yamba, it’s 2 hours by road, south of the New South Wales and Queensland border on the Pacific Ocean coastline.
Situated on the southern side of the Clarence River entrance, Yamba has an active commercial fishing fleet that catch the famous Yamba King prawn and lots of other seafood including shark, mullet, flathead, whiting, mackerel, tuna, jewfish, pearl perch and pilchards.
The township has a population of about 7,000 residents which grows to about 20,000 during peak tourist season.
Like many small coastal towns, Yamba faces many growth pressures, but the old Yamba can still be experienced in off season times with people smiling, waving and saying hello in the street.
Nicholson Fine Foods has a stall at our local monthly markets called the Yamba River Markets. We partner with 1ounce coffee, its a great way to connect with our local community.
The logistics of being located between the cities of SE Queensland and Sydney work well for us as we can ship overnight to many of our customers using our courier service.
Here’s a little look and cook video around Yamba click here